Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Face Lift for Princess

Exciting news here at The Tales of Princess Mikkimoto.
I'm moving onto my own URL!
My friend Clay has been a big help in this very cool change.
Oh and by "help" I mean he has been doing it all, telling me what to do step by step and when I still whine and cry and whine some more that I just "don't get it!!" he says very supportive things like, "Don't get is a VERY easy is just different. There is also this really crazy link at the top right called "Help". Don't be afraid to use it. I know it seems wacky, but just give it a shot. :) "

So stay tuned for the new Tales of Princess Mikkimoto. Coming soon to a computer near you.

And er, don't be shocked if you come here in the next few days and you just see it. That's one of those crazy fan-dangled things that Clay is doing. He's smart like that.

1 comment:

the mama bird diaries said...

Hey Congrats. Can't wait to check out your new home.