Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Home Sweet Home. Kinda.

It is good to be home. Sorta.
I did miss my wonderful king-sized bed after sharing a futon with a 7 year old for 4 nights.
I did miss my make-up that I conveniently left just OUTSIDE of my suitcase. Bradley at MAC in Seattle was pretty happy that I forgot all my make-up in Madison. I bet I just bought him and his husband a new couch with the commission he made off of me.

But I can't get my Seattle family and our wonderful trip out of my head!
This morning when I was putting up my hair in clips to wash my face, all I could think about was Tali doing my hair and what would she think of this do.
And then I made coffee, I thought, "I miss Amy's coffee. I'll have to get something other than Folgers when she comes to visit me"

Ben even misses them too. When I was getting him breakfast he said "I want a milk ba-ba" which is what baby Noami calls any drink.

Maybe the mountain of laundry I have to do, or just unpacking will help the Post Trip Funk. Probably not. But getting excited to see my friends on Saturday night and hanging out with my mom (who I did miss something fierce) today and shopping for my birthday will definitely help!

Oh and if you think this is the last of the Seattle posts, think again my friends. THINK. AGAIN!


Shannon said...

Welcome Back!

Glad you started writing, by the way. I really needed one more blog to check every day ;)

Becky said...

I'm glad I could add to your addiction.
I have so many blogs to catch up on it's sort of stressful! I'll take this stress though. Off to Bellyville!