Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I'm A Sucker For Flowers!

The worst thing about a garage sale is the aftermath. All the crap that didn't sell now has to go somewhere. Emily wanted me to come over yesterday to get the stuff I wanted before it all went to Goodwill later this week. But I was feeling lazy and didn't wanna (insert whine here).
I tried to procrastinate for another day this week. But then she threw out the "Ok, but we cut some fresh peonies for you tonight! You’ll miss out! They are gorgeous and smell heavenly!"
Yep! That was all it took. "Ooh in that case, I'll be over right after I get Ben!"

So I picked up a few things, she made me dinner and then gave me these amazing flowers.

Yes. My friends spoil me rotten. I'm a very lucky girl.
I didn't pick up EVERYTHING because I'm crafty that way and am waiting for her peony bush to bloom again so I can get another treat just for dealing with my crap.

And trust me, they smell even better than they look!

Thank you Emily! This is how Monday's should always be!


amy said...

Oooh, those are gorgeous! Um, I'm available for picking up some crap... :)

the mama bird diaries said...

A bunch of gorgeousness.

Anonymous said...

I want friends who bring me flowers. How do I get THOSE friends?? Clearly my RLO is worthless.